About the World Cafe
Many people in our NextNow community got together dozen or so years ago because of shared interest in the potential for technology to support learning. Dr. Douglas Engelbart was a member and an inspiration for the group.
NextNow has evolved to include people with different aspirational ideas about the potential for humans and technology to co-evolve in a way that will benefit all.
To celebrate Bill's birthday, we decided to also celebrate the NextNow by running a World Cafe, the conversation process that brings everyone in the room together in small groups. We chose the five questions in the above graphic. The conversations were engaging enough that people took a break from socializing to deliver some insights, as follows:
What do you wish everyone knew?
- Every person learns at his/her own speed, so all teaching should allow own-speed learning--really only technology can allow this.
- Most things that people worry about won't happen anyway.
- Everyone is unique, just like everyone else. We cannot know about their inner state.
- Data ARE or Data R.
- You're not who you think you are (then who are you?)
- Know thyself, teach from there.
- We are (all) one people.
- Interdependence: Thought + critical thinking + action.
- You are loved.
- Wish everyone knew a common language.
- This moment is the only you have (make it count).
- Your neighbors.
- Corporations are not people, but they're made up of people.
- When we discuss (and open to others ideas)--we are better--Conversations are the stem cells of learning.
- 💜
- Understanding is deeper then what is seen on the surface.
- There's always another chapter (in life).
- Intuition can be refined and developed to increase creativity.
What are we missing when we think about the Future?
- As we redefine the future, how do we also plan for those who will suffer from the new definition?
- We are missing a model that includes love.
- Being more inclusive and less separated
- Where will appreciation of nature fit into our sphere--"unplug" time...
- The impact of the "haves" on the "have nots" and balancing that conundrum.
- Missing information...what's happening down the line.
- Missing a "process" that can deal with uncertainty and emergence.
- Utilitarian focus (greatest good for the greatest number of people)
- Courage to tell the truth (Bernie Sanders?) and happier moments for more people
- Solitude - aloneness is valuable and needs to be protected.
- When we humans are gone, the Earth will regenerate.
- 💜
How do we convince stakeholders/corporations/people of the value of Bill Daul("Build All")-esque ( Engelbart's "human system") capabilities?
- Distinguish those that/who have benefitted from those who haven't yet benefitted
- Invite those who have gotten value from Doug Engelbart's ideas into the ecommunity: SRI, Logitech, Apple, Microsoft, etc.
- Offer a way to prevent (corporate) burn-out through the human systems.
- Look more into long-term perspective.
- Value not evident unless seen from inside the organizational culture.
- Incorporate "always connect" into corporate products so they have a sustained value and believability, and soul connection.
- Shine a slight on "cradle to cradle" (?) to increase soul-connection
- Have experience (create it) where intuition and connection are dominant through a narrative
- It my value my knowledge or my acceptance of your knowledge?
How do we re-start the NextNow dialogue?
- Have multi-generational leadership.
- Nominate and vote for more organizers.
- Intention-through-action on focused mission.
- Sharing successes (HOW?)
- Nominate NextNow community management.
- Outside contribution of energy, such as recruiting interns.
- Connect to contemporary movements like Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter.
- New systems to integrate people + vision.
How do we augment (re-ignite) Doug Engelbart's vision?
- Unify groups of like-minded people who have the same passions.
- Incorporate into university curriculum.
- The technology augments what OUR focus is.
- What is the group's vision?
- Make cell-free zones--limit the technology.
- Social and emotional technology.
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